Torres-Rosa Consulting Engineers is led by engineers with over 20 years of experience in the analysis and development of heavy water infrastructure projects. The result of our engineering knowledge, current and previous experience makes TRCE one of Puerto Rico's leading water resources engineering firms. Our engineers worked with the development, environmental studies, design, permitting and construction of the two most recent dams built in Puerto Rico. In the Northeast Regional Aqueduct and Fajardo off-stream reservoir Our led engineers worked directly with the planning, permitting, design, construction supervision and startup of this project. Engineer Torres was the engineer of record during construction. For the Rio Blanco off-stream reservoir raw water intake our personnel worked directly with the planning, permitting, design, construction supervision and startup. Engineer Rosa was the Design Manager and Engineer Torres was the Engineer of Record during construction.
In 2010 TRCE was hired by PRASA to develop, implement and manage a monitoring program for all their dams. The PRASA Dams Monitoring Program (PDMP) was developed and has been implemented since then resulting in a tangible improvement in the overall information related to Dam Safety. The PDMP made possible the identification of a potential dam breach at Las Curias Dam for which an emergency project was carried out (Las Curias Dam Emergency - Installation of filters and seepage collection system to prevent piping). Engineers Torres and Rosa published and presented a paper about this project at the ASDSO regional conference in 2014. Another situation was found at Lago Regulador de Isabela where the internal liner was found damaged. TRCE prepared a detailed analysis and completed the design for the necessary repairs of the liner.
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